An admin panel for any REST API

Restboard is an MIT licensed application booster for (but not limited to) Vue. It allows you to quickly create modern and elegant frontend panels for any existing (REST) API, without limits on the backend technology.

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Getting started

$ npm i -g @quasar/cli
$ npm init quasar
$ cd quasar-project
$ quasar ext add restboard
$ quasar dev

Stack overview

Technically speaking, Restboard is a plug & play extension for Quasar, a rich and full-featured frontend framework based on Vue.js.

Restboard provides the following building blocks:

Stack overview

How does it work?

Restboard provides a couple of abstractions to interact with the underlying backend API in a standard way. The interaction pattern is designed on the concepts of Resources and Providers:

  • Resources basically map the backend resources and provide a standard CRUD API to interact with them.
  • Each resource uses a Data Provider to translate requests to the protocol and details of the backend API.
  • The Auth Provider provides an abstraction over authentication and authorization details.

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How does it work?

Does it work only with REST API?

No, not really. While Restboard is primarly designed to interact with REST APIs, it doesn't force you to any particular paradigm. In other words, if you need to integrate a GraphQL API you just need to use a proper data provider.

You can also combine different APIs for different resources, simply using different data providers: it's really up to you!

Getting started

The ecosystem

Restboard is composed by several packages. By default, the standard installation includes and wires all of them together. However, if you want to use just part of the ecosystem, you are free to add to your project just the features you need!


The ecosystem


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